Those of you who know me in real life or have followed my blog for some time, know that I took a giant step professionally some time ago. I left my daytime work as a tax lawyer to become a full time photographer. I have a small business on my own, run everything by myself and share studio and office with one of my best friends, Sandra Birgersdotter. But, the changes in my life don't stop there. This past year I have done a long journey also in my private life and even though I always will be the same person I definately see things a bit different now than I did only a year ago. Again, those of you who know me know at least some of what I'm talking about and for those of you who don't I can only say that I have gone through a divorce. So, now it's said. I will never be the kind of person who discuss such private things on internet but at the same time, it has affected who I am today. And, beacuse of the end of my own relationship I have thought a lot about love, relationships, why it works for some but not for everyone, what I want and what I have to give, and I think that my insights also reflect on other relationships, such as those with my clients.
Last fall when I told my close friends about the split up I was questionned more than once if I would find it difficult to photograph weddings again but my absolute answer to that was "No, not at all!". The reason why? Well, regardless of what I have gone throught I still believe in real love, life, happiness, the joy of giving and something that I haven't thought about as much earlier as I do today - to live the moment and accept emotions as they are, here and now, regardless of whether they are good or bad. I also believe that you can't fake an image of real emotions and working with so many couples in love gives me a huge vitamin injection as far as believing in love is concerned! So, that's one of the reaons why I love my job and my clients, they all make me feel alive and positive!
Britt-Marie and Per, you are no exception and I am so happy I will be photographing your wedding at Södertuna slott in about a month! You and your love are real and make me feel alive! /Linda
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